SAN Space

SAN LogoOkay, so while I haven’t had much luck in finding time to actually work on my software interface for the SAN system, the hardware finally arrived (just as our supplier LightEdge went bankrupt and liquidated naturally) and with the final piece, a four port network card, installed yesterday, I am now unfortunately expected to be ready to rumble ASAP!

The Storage Area Network unit that we’ve attached to the webserver is a networked box basically that is fully RAIDed so that it is completely mirrored and the end result is that I have 7.5 terrabytes (TB) of space to play with!

7.5 terrabytes of space? Damn that might take a while to fill! :_)

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About Craig Lotter

Craig Lotter is an established web developer and application programmer, with strong creative urges (which keep bursting out at the most inopportune moments) and a seemingly insatiable need to love all things animated. Living in the beautiful coastal town of Gordon's Bay in South Africa, he games, develops, takes in animated fare, trains under the Funakoshi karate style and for the most part, simply enjoys life with his amazing wife and daughter. Oh, and he draws ever now and then too.
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