Although I’ve posted simple random color generating code snippets before, I’ve noticed since that most of them have a flaw in that they sometimes don’t always produce a proper six character long hex color code.
Hence I have posted my latest random color generating PHP function to these pages in the interest of reminding myself at a later stage when I need it again!
So let’s have a look at the function shall we?
function generateRandomColor(){ $randomcolor = '#' . strtoupper(dechex(rand(0,10000000))); if (strlen($randomcolor) != 7){ $randomcolor = str_pad($randomcolor, 10, '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT); $randomcolor = substr($randomcolor,0,7); } return $randomcolor; }
Pretty simple really.
Grab a random decimal number, convert it to hex and pad right with some zeroes to ensure the proper character length.
Fairly random and guaranteed to always give you pretty results!
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