Category Archives: jQuery

jQuery is a fantastic javascript based library that aims to make web 2.0 programming faster and more efficient – and it does!

jQuery DataTables with Lots of Columns Crashes in IE

If you are using the brilliant jQuery DataTables plugin to present your data in nifty dynamic tables, and are using it in a server-side loading context, you have no doubt encountered the issue when a table with a lot of columns (more than 20) fails to load (in other words stays in “processing” mode) when browsing using Internet Explorer (IE). Continue reading

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jQuery: Remove Drag and Drop Action from Content Pane of Sortable Portlet Widgets

jQueryUI’s awesome sortable functionality makes it a breeze to create sortable widget dashboards, allowing you to place little widget panes across a number of columns to your heart’s desire. However, the default is that the entire widget or portlet pane forms part of the sortable interface, making it quite a pain when you have something like a horizontal scrollbar on your widget! Continue reading

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Toggle a Div’s Visibility with jQuery

To toggle an element in terms of visibility, like a DIV for example, is pretty easy with jQuery and it’s ultra nifty toggle() function. Continue reading

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jQuery: Livequery and the Hover Event

Before jQuery’s native live() and delegate() functions came into being, the default for handling binding on late generated DOM elements was to make use of the excellent Brandon Aaron plugin LiveQuery (otherwise known as Live Query). Today we look at how one handles the hover event using a livequery declaration.
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jQuery: Iterate Through an Element’s Classes

More often than not, your HTML elements will have more than one class assigned to them. Now while it is easy to check if an element belongs to a certain class with jQuery’s built in hasClass function, you’ll be pleased to know it is just as easy to iterate through all of an element’s classes with some basic loop work.
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