Category Archives: Tutorials

What is the point of learning a lot but never sharing that newfound knowledge with others in order to spread awareness around? Knowledge is for all and so if I come across some technique or instructions that I wish to safeguard for the future, where better to leave it lying around than on the World Wide Web for all to access?

How to Hard Reset an iPod Nano

So you can imagine my frustration in getting home after a long day at work, whipping out the iPod Nano from my gym bag in order to update its track listing, only to find it completely dead as a doornail. Continue reading

Posted in Tutorials | Tagged apple, bricked, hard reset, ipod, ipod nano, | View Comments

Blogroll: How to Export and Import WordPress Blog Links

To export and import a Wordpress blogroll, or links if you prefer, is actually pretty easy, seeing as Wordpress already comes with everything necessary for this built in.
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Posted in Tutorials, Wordpress | Tagged blogroll, , import, links, , | View Comments

IPCop: Troubleshoot No Internet when All other Network Activity Works

What’s the best way to try and troubleshoot the scenario when we have network connections to everything else but the Internet (i.e. external mail, MySQL, and FTP) works, on our IPCop run network? (And note in this case the IPCop run network usually runs perfectly fine, meaning we not delving into a setup that never worked before.)
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Posted in Tutorials | Tagged advanced proxy, clear cache, , , | View Comments

Renew Your Car Licence Online

The City of Cape Town is pretty wired when it comes to paying accounts, and renewing your car licence hasn’t been left behind. Continue reading

Posted in Tutorials | Tagged car licence, licence, online, payment, renew | View Comments

JavaScript to Confirm a File Download

A confirmation dialogue is handy when you want to make sure that the selected action is actually meant to take place and isn’t just the result of an accidental click. Of course, achieving this is super easy thanks to JavaScript’s built in dialog box functions, the one we are most interested in this case being ‘confirm’. Continue reading

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