Category Archives: Tutorials

What is the point of learning a lot but never sharing that newfound knowledge with others in order to spread awareness around? Knowledge is for all and so if I come across some technique or instructions that I wish to safeguard for the future, where better to leave it lying around than on the World Wide Web for all to access?

Ubuntu and the Canon LiDE 100 Scanner Fix

Earlier this year I treated myself and purchased a Canon LiDE 100 USB Scanner (which ashamedly hasn’t seen all that much use for the rest of the year). As much as I like the little low cost fighter, one of my biggest gripes was that Canon hadn’t released any Linux drivers for the device, and because the code is proprietary, it wasn’t likely to get Linux support any time soon.

Well thankfully all of that has now changed and the wonderful SANE project has gone ahead and added driver support for the Canon LiDE 100… though getting it to work requires a little bit of effort on your part!
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Ubuntu: How to Reload Apache Configuration without Restarting the Service

Sometimes you make subtle changes to the configuration files of Apache, affecting certain aspects of the server’s performance but not others. To get these changes to the configuration files live, the standard route is to save your changes and restart the Apache service. Continue reading

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Ubuntu Server: Steps to Create a New SVN Repository and Add Users for it

To add SVN repositories and give existing user accounts access to it is not entirely a one step process in Ubuntu. So this is how you do it…

First, browse to the folder in which you want to generate your SVN repository and create the respository folder:

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Ubuntu: How to Renew Apache’s default SSL Certificate

A lot of the time, in order to quickly enable SSL for Apache in Ubuntu, servers make use of a self-signed certificates. These are pretty useful, though they do have a tendency to expire on you when you least expect it.

To renew this ‘snake oil’ certificate as Apache dubs it is actually quite simple.
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Ubuntu Server: Maximum Compression of a file Using 7za

Just a quick one-liner to remind me how to ultra compress a file using 7za instead of the bog standard gzip which I always seem to automatically turn to because its the only one I can remember out of my head!
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