Tag Archives: command line

How to Create a Zend Project from the Command Line with zf

To generate an empty project shell using the Zend Framework is pretty easy thanks to the powerful zf command line utility.
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How to Start or Stop MySQL Server on Ubuntu via the Command Line

To stop a MySQL server instance on an Ubuntu linux install via the command line is as simple as entering: Continue reading

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Ubuntu Terminal: How to Quickly Create a SQL Dump File from a MySQL Database

Backing up your MySQL database or generating a copy of it to shift around is quite a simple affair thanks to the powerful mysqldump command that ships with MySQL. Continue reading

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Ubuntu Terminal: How to Quickly GZip a File

File archiving is a particularly simple affair and there are quite a few different archive algorithms to pick and choose from. GZip (.gz) has for long been associated with Linux as one of its main archiving algorithms and so today’s quick command line tip highlights how to quickly create a zipped file on your system. Continue reading

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Ubuntu Lucid Lynx: Simple Way to Mount a Samba Drive in Your Home Directory

Samba is a fantastic free software re-implementation of the SMB/CIFS networking protocol that allows for shared file and print services across a variety of Windows and Unix (and even Mac OS) platforms. Today’s quick tip highlights a simple way of mounting a remote samba directory as a folder in one’s home directory in Ubuntu. Continue reading

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