Tag Archives: convert

jQuery Color Picker Plugin: Convert RGB to HEX

I’ve written on the excellent jQuery Color Picker plugin from eyecon.ro before, but a question was recently raised on how to use its RGB output in code. Well actually it turns out that most browsers return its value as a standard HEX color value, but one browser in particular (and I’m not naming names here but it is the one who everyone who think themselves better than the average home user seems to love) returns the value as a RGB color string. Continue reading

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Convert FireFox Color rgb(xxx,yyy,zzz) to Hex

Firefox has a nasty habit of returning element background colors and colors in general in the format rgb(xxx,yyy,zzz) as opposed to the normal #xxyyzz. Continue reading

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How to Convert an UTF-16 File to an UTF-8 file using PHP

Taking Andrew Walker’s previously mentioned handy little UTF-16 to UTF-8 string converter function, we now have in our means a particularly easy way in which to craft a simple UTF-16 to UTF-8 file converter. Continue reading

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PHP: Convert a UTF-16 String to a UTF-8 String

Andrew Walker crafted this handy little PHP function which can convert a UTF-16 encoded string into a more PHP-friendly UTF-8 encoded string. Continue reading

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How to Convert a Webpage to a PDF

Saving a web page to a PDF file for later offline viewing has just become a whole lot simpler thanks to the excellent pdfmyurl.com web service that aims to convert any URL you feed it into a downloadable PDF file. Continue reading

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