Tag Archives: copy

Ubuntu: How to Copy a Line in Nano

Nano is an extremely handy and lightweight text editor that comes with most Linux distributions these days. Today’s tip will teach us how to copy and paste a line or piece of text within a text document.
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Posted in Ubuntu | Tagged , copy paste, , paste, , text editor, | View Comments

Ubuntu Terminal: “cp: omitting directory” Copy Error

When attempting to copy a non-empty directory in Ubuntu using the cp command, you will be presented with the following error message: Continue reading

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TortoiseSVN: How To Strip ALL SVN Folders Out of a Project to Move it Around

The tortoiseSVN question for today is how to I get a clean copy of one of my projects under subversion, in other words how do I get a folder with all that extra hidden SVN gunk of .svn folders and files? Continue reading

Posted in Software & Websites, Tutorials | Tagged , , , subversion, , | View Comments