Tag Archives: internet explorer

Internet Explorer (IE) and the Cached .js File

Internet Explorer and pretty much all other modern web browsers make use of silent caching in order to streamline user experience. Of course, caching is a marvellous tool when needed, but also a frustrating one when you don’t want it turned on. Enter the humble .js javascript include file. Now IE likes to cache javascript .js file includes, but unfortunately unlike normal web pages, getting it to refresh its cached copy can sometime prove to be quite difficult to achieve.
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Shortcut Keys for Tabbed Browsing

You seriously learn something new every day. I only just found out about keyboard shortcuts to enhance tabbed browsing, something that has been a feature in Firefox (and more recently Internet Explorer) for years already. Continue reading

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How to Turn on Caret Browsing

Instead of just using the mouse to select text and move around within a webpage, you can in fact use the standard navigation (arrow and page-) keys on your keyboard to do this Continue reading

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Internet Explorer: Restore File Download Dialog

If in the past you’ve accidentally unchecked that little box reading “Always ask before opening this type of file” when trying to save a file in Internet Explorer and now want to change the behaviour that you previously set, these are the steps you need to follow in order to reclaim your File Download dialog box: Continue reading

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