Tag Archives: json

jQuery DataTables with Lots of Columns Crashes in IE

If you are using the brilliant jQuery DataTables plugin to present your data in nifty dynamic tables, and are using it in a server-side loading context, you have no doubt encountered the issue when a table with a lot of columns (more than 20) fails to load (in other words stays in “processing” mode) when browsing using Internet Explorer (IE). Continue reading

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Accessing Values in Javascript JSON Objects with Keys containing Hyphens (Dashes)

However, if we tried the same thing with the “message-data” key, you will note that this will fall over syntactically straight away – all because of that silly hyphen (dash). Continue reading

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Magic Quotes and json_decode on Your Post Variables

So what is adding in all these unwanted slashes then? Well the answer of course is PHP’s magic_quotes_gpc ini setting. For those of you who don’t know, essentially this setting came in existence to help programmers who routinely forgot to delimit their strings when inputting them into databases etc. Continue reading

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