Tag Archives: Open Source

Open Source Photo Gallery for Your Website

The aptly named Gallery is a brilliant piece of well-support open source software, aimed at providing you with the best photo image image sharing tool to use on your own hosted website. Continue reading

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Open Source Web Analytics: Piwik

So maybe you don’t always like giving Google all of your data. Perhaps there are some things you’d like to keep to yourself, thank you very much. But what about Google Analytics. That shiny, shiny tool that tells you so much about yourself (well, particularly if you are a website of course). Continue reading

Posted in Software & Websites | Tagged analytics, , , , piwik, | View Comments

SA Government Goes ODF

Some good news for all the OpenSource proponents in South Africa: The South African Government has gone ahead and adopted the OpenDocument Format as the new required standard for all official documents. They’ve even given it a nifty name, namely … Continue reading

Posted in Technology & Code | Tagged government, ODF, , South Africa | View Comments