Tag Archives: pdf

My tried and trusted method for inserting graphs into PDFs is to use the nifty PHP FPDF library and insert an image into it via a Google Chart URL.

Posted in Technology & Code, Tutorials | Tagged chart, , , , , |

FPDF PHP PDF Generator: How to Wrap Long Lines of Text in Tables

I have mentioned the useful FPDF PHP PDF generating library before, but today I’m quickly going to point out how you can solve the problem of inserting extra long lines of text into a table and forcing the table to automatically wrap or linebreak all of your text without simply chopping it off at the end when it reaches the right hand border of the cell. Continue reading

Posted in Technology & Code, Tutorials | Tagged , line break, multicell, , text wrap, wrap | View Comments

How to Install Foxit PDF Reader 1.1 in Ubuntu Karmic Koala

Foxit Reader 1.1 is an incredible little PDF viewer that features some powerful tools while remaining pretty damn quick. It’s free for non-commercial usage and features most of the viewing tools you’ve come to expect from the big daddy of PDF readers, namely Adobe Acrobat. Continue reading

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How to Convert a Webpage to a PDF

Saving a web page to a PDF file for later offline viewing has just become a whole lot simpler thanks to the excellent pdfmyurl.com web service that aims to convert any URL you feed it into a downloadable PDF file. Continue reading

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