Tag Archives: phpmyadmin

Ubuntu: Change the File Size Limit for phpMyAdmin SQL Dump Imports

Working with the web-based phpMyAdmin can sometimes be a bit of a lesson in frustration, particularly when you start bumping your head against its various limitations. One such annoying limit is the default 2MB upload limit applied for SQL file imports. Continue reading

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Ubuntu: Simple Install for PHPMyAdmin

PHPMyAdmin is a useful web-based management tool for your MySQL server running as part of your LAMP stack. To install this tool in Ubuntu turns out to be pretty simple after all. Continue reading

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How to Store Decimal Currency Values in MySQL

Now while storing integers and numerals in MySQL is pretty rock solid and easy to do, storing decimal values like currency, in other words money, isn’t quite as intuitive when you have a phpMyAdmin structure tab open in front of you. Continue reading

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