What, who, where am I?!?
Craig Lotter is a web developer based in Gordon's Bay, South Africa, who seems completely incapable of shaking off that pesky inner child within, the one that forces him to love all things animated or hand drawn.
The Rugged Rock of Craig contains snippets of his life, popular culture and all the important things like anime, manga, games and comic books. The CodeUnit of Craig on the other hand contains the more serious stuff like code snippets and tutorials, while the House of C chronicles his foray into the world of web comics.
For which it never seems he has enough time anyway.
Rugged Rock Studio
- CodeUnit Collections
- Funakoshi Karate International South Africa
- Rugged Rock Studio: The Portfolio of Craig Lotter
- The Codeunit of Craig
- The House of C
- The Rugged Rock of Craig
Tag Archives: plugin
How to Add a Favicon in WordPress
Thanks to the team behind the WP Favicon plugin for WordPress, it is now pretty much a case of download, install and activate to set one up on your beloved WordPress blog. Continue reading
Adding Google Analytics to your Joomla 1.5 website turns out to be a rather simple affair thanks to the guys behing JoomlaGator!, formerly known as Google Analytics Module for Joomla 1.5
Posted in Software & Websites Tagged analytics, , joomla, joomlagator, plugin, tracking
jQuery Text Area Character Counter
Aaron Russell has gone and created a huge time saving jQuery plugin for us all to use in the form of his nifty jQuery Simply Countable plugin which basically provides a character counter for any text input or textarea box. Continue reading
Posted in Software & Websites Tagged aaron russell, character counter, counter, jQuery, limit, plugin, text input, textarea View Comments
AutoComplete Country Selection using jQuery
Marc-Antoine Ross has knocked together a great little jQuery plugin, or extension if you will, which gives you a nice autocomplete country selector textbox. Continue reading
Posted in Software & Websites, Technology & Code Tagged autocomplete, country, country flag, extension, jQuery, marc-antoine ross, plugin, textbox View Comments
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