Tag Archives: reset

How to Hard Reset an iPod Nano

So you can imagine my frustration in getting home after a long day at work, whipping out the iPod Nano from my gym bag in order to update its track listing, only to find it completely dead as a doornail. Continue reading

Posted in Tutorials | Tagged apple, bricked, hard reset, ipod, ipod nano, | View Comments

Ubuntu: Change or Reset the MySQL Root Password

If of course you are anything like me, you instantly forget this password and a month down the line when you come back to do some more tinkering, you’ll quickly realize that you need to change the damn password – and this is one way you could go about doing it! Continue reading

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PHP: Delete all Values to Reuse a Keyed Array

It’s sometimes pretty valuable to reuse array structures if you’re kind of doing a task over and over again, and don’t necessarily want to recreate the array’s keyed structure from scratch with each iteration. Continue reading

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