Tag Archives: svn

Ubuntu: How to Checkout from a SVN Repository via the Terminal

To create an initial SVN checkout from a SVN repository on your Ubuntu machine via the terminal is a pretty simple affair thanks to the pretty standard svn checkout call.
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How to Install Subversion (SVN) in Ubuntu

To install subversion (or SVN if you like keeping things short) is pretty simple to achieve in Ubuntu (as with just about everything else). Continue reading

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Ubuntu Server: Steps to Create a New SVN Repository and Add Users for it

To add SVN repositories and give existing user accounts access to it is not entirely a one step process in Ubuntu. So this is how you do it…

First, browse to the folder in which you want to generate your SVN repository and create the respository folder:

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TortoiseSVN: How To Strip ALL SVN Folders Out of a Project to Move it Around

The tortoiseSVN question for today is how to I get a clean copy of one of my projects under subversion, in other words how do I get a folder with all that extra hidden SVN gunk of .svn folders and files? Continue reading

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Ubuntu Subversion: How to Delete a SVN Repository

Although there is tons of documentation on creating new SVN project repositories for your shiny Ubuntu SVN (subversion) server, there isn’t all that much mention of how you actually remove a project repository should you no longer need it. Continue reading

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