Tag Archives: update

How to Upgrade Your Ubuntu Server Version over the Network and via the Terminal

The nice thing about Canonical’s Ubuntu is that they have a nice and consistent major release cycle, making the management of your Ubuntu servers a pretty planned affair. The question today is of course how to actually initiate a network upgrade on your terminal-only Ubuntu server once the time to upgrade finally rolls on by? Continue reading

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Afrihost Internet Connectivity: A “Still not Quite Up” Update

International connectivity has pretty much been non-existent or moving at a completely unusable crawl since Monday, all thanks to a disruption in the all important Seacom undersea fiber cable that connects Africa to the rest of the world and acts as the cheap carrier line that allows all these small ISPs to offer the deals that they do. Continue reading

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The New CodeUnit Skin

As well aware as I am that there are far better and more constructive ways in which to spend an whole Saturday afternoon at home in front of the PC, it turns out that the lure of churning out something special is just that much stronger than what I thought and so I slaved away yesterday with scant regard for time in order to present you with what you now see in front of you: Continue reading

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WordPress 2.9 Released into the Wild

Seeing as I’m now running both CodeUnit and Rugged Rock off the WordPress platform, I guess it is about time that I take notice every time WordPress breathes, and thus it comes as no surprise that this post is in honour of WordPress’ latest and greatest release, WordPress 2.9 Carmen Continue reading

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Abandon Adobe AutoUpdate

With limited, fairly expensive bandwidth at home, you can imagine that I am less than enthralled with products that choose to autoupdate themselves quietly in the background, without any notification of their dastardly deed. One of the prime offenders in this category is none other than good old Adobe which frequently runs an autoupdate in a background, sucking up your precious bandwidth before notifying you that it has downloaded the following gazillion little updates. Continue reading

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